Don’t worry, I’m not in the midst of a horrific break up, eyeing up the razorblades and swimming in vodka… Lent is over! Yes, the short and sweet journey of flavoured infusions has come to an abrupt end and left me gagging for caffeine induced, traditional tasting, and gorgeous cups of tea.
So Easter morning rolled round and I woke up slapping my lips like a toothless old man and danced downstairs ridiculously eager to put t’kettle on. Grabbed a massive mug, shoved a teabag in and a spoon of… shit, forgot to buy sugar!! Luckily the other half and me are geeks and collect the tea/coffee and sugars from hotels we stay in so luckily, we had a stash of sugar. While waiting for what seemed a lifetime for the kettle to pop I shoved a couple of hot-cross buns in the toaster – well, you have to really. If you’re going to do Easter then do it properly for god’s sake!
The majority of people I know are so excited about Easter and all the chocolate they are going to ram down their throats. I’ve never been a huge chocoholic personally although I do enjoy a little bit now and again, I can pretty much guarantee that the majority of eggs and their accompanying treats will be devoured by my boyfriend. In fact, writing this I know he’s probably eyeing up my Caramel Egg I’ve left there to tempt him. It gets to the point where he’ll eat my half and then replace it only to polish half of the replacement too. That happened on Valentines Day recently. I laugh but I don’t expect much when he buys me chocolate… I know he’ll be eating it rather than me but I dont mind.
So while I digressed sadly, habit got the better of me and after leaving the teabag in the cup for about 2 minutes, I got that disgusting film of what looks like sea-sludge on the top of my cuppa. But I drank it anyway.
Utter disappointment! I had waited 40 long and agonising days for this?
So suffice to say, my first cup of tea was not exactly nice. In fact, I was a little tempted to pour it down the drain and start again with a fruity bag instead but regardless, I drank it and tried to enjoy it.
The whole idea was for me to not drink tea as much as I had previously done and I think thus far it’s been a success. Since Easter I’ve had just 2 cups and I’m now on my third. The old faithful flask has come out again but rather than enjoying my 10.30am cuppa, I’ve got the hankering for some Raspberry and Echinacea. It doesn’t help that I can actually taste the undertones of berry with every sip – probably did a rubbish job of washing out the flask but I’m glad. It has made me realise that tea isn’t just about Tetley’s or PG Tips, there’s so many flavours that people just haven’t dared to try. I’ve only had a few but I’m most certainly inspired to try more. I suppose the fact I was hungover on Sunday did'nt help matters but hey, it's opened the door for some flavoursome adventure!
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